DysportTM is safe and effective therapy that eliminates facial wrinkles and frown lines, and softens harsh expressions. DysportTM has also been used successfully to treat patients with excessive underarm sweating as well as sweating in the hands and feet.
What is DysportTM?
DysportTM is the trade name of Botulinum Toxin Type A, a purified natural protein toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, and is the registered trademark of Allergan Inc. DysportTM, in controlled small doses, is injected directly into the muscles that cause frown lines. These isolated muscles are paralyzed by the DysportTM, and can no longer contract. Because the specific muscles no longer contract, the action of frowning is stopped, and the frown lines soften, relax, and diminish.
Where can DysportTM be injected?
The most common areas of use of DysportTM are the frown lines between the eyebrows, the horizontal forehead lines, and the crow’s feet. On occasion, some other areas may be treated as well.

When does DysportTM start to work, and how long does it last?
The results of your DysportTM treatment will begin to appear in three to four days. The effect will last three to four months, after which the treated muscles will gradually regain their action. When the frown line starts to reappear, a simple repeat treatment is all that is necessary to maintain the desired results.
How safe is DysportTM?
DysportTM has been used safely and successfully in ophthalmology for over 10 years, and for wrinkle therapy for over 6 years. In the amounts used to wrinkle therapy the only possible side effects are temporary and localized to the area of injection.
Are there any side effects?
As with any injection, there can be temporary swelling, redness, bruising, headache or local discomfort. Rarely, patients have been reported to develop a slight lowering of the eyelid, or slight lowering of the forehead. This is temporary and resolves in a few weeks. Some patients may have an uneven or incomplete response to the treatment. DysportTM does not reduce the action of the muscles of facial expression distant from the site of treatment. Patients with neuromuscular disorder should inform their doctor before therapy. DysportTM treatment should not be administered to women who are pregnant. Contact us today!