A Noninvasive, Nonsurgical Solution for Erasing Stubborn Fat
Everyone, male and female, older and younger, has areas of fat that are hard to remove. In some cases, CoolSculpting may be the answer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved CoolSculpting for fat removal in 2010, and it has grown steadily in popularity since then. Today, CoolSculpting is one of the top choices for those who want to get rid of small pockets of stubborn fat without surgery or invasive treatments.
Is CoolSculpting the best solution for everyone? A licensed medical professional will discuss benefits, options, and a treatment plan with each one of their clients. A professional cosmetic specialist seeks to understand their client’s goals and will match a service that will satisfy their wants and needs.
Some people with underlying medical or skin conditions are not good candidates for CoolSculpting. The procedure is not a treatment for obesity as well. A cosmetic specialist will assess each client to ensure CoolSculpting is appropriate for them.

CoolSculpting is a name brand for a fat reduction process called cryolipolysis. It uses freezing temperatures to break down fat cells in targeted areas. There is no surgery or needles, and the procedure is noninvasive. Cold does not damage the skin, other cells, or underlying tissues, instead, it targets just the fat cells.
During the procedure, the cosmetic specialist will place the targeted fatty tissue between two rounded paddles, which are sometimes called panels or rollers. The paddles drop to temperatures that will freeze the fat cells in the target areas.
The paddles stay in place usually for 30 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated. During the process, the client sits comfortably in a reclined chair. They can read or watch television, but movement will be limited
during the process.
How Much Fat will be Removed?
Most clients record a 20 to 25 percent reduction in fat. Large or additional treatment areas may require several appointments. It is important to note that CoolSculpting cannot remove all fat or tighten loose skin. Freezing away fat should be done in conjunction with healthy eating and exercise to maintain optimal results.
Are CoolSculpting Results Immediate?
Final results may not be visible for several months while the immune system excretes the dead fat cells through the liver. However, many clients report noticeable results in a few weeks.
Are the Results Permanent?
CoolSculpting results should ideally last indefinitely because dead fat cells are excreted and do not come back. However, with new weight gain, fat can return to the treated areas, so it is essential to maintain a healthy diet and to exercise.
Is There Downtime or Recovery Time?
There is no damage to the skin or underlying tissue and no sedation, so clients can drive themselves home and resume their normal activities immediately. Recovery time is the few months the client waits for all dead fat cells to leave the body, but there is no pain or other sensation involved with the CoolSculpting process.
Does CoolSculpting Hurt?
Some clients report a tugging feeling at the treatment site when the fat is placed between the panels. This may cause some discomfort until freezing takes place and the treatment area goes numb. A gel layer protects skin from freezing temperatures, so there is no worry of frostbite or pain from the cold.
Are There Any Side Effects?
People have reported soreness, stinging, or aching at the treatment site for up to two weeks after the procedure. They describe it as soreness one might feel after a workout or overuse of a muscle. Some individuals report short-term redness, swelling, bruising, or sensitivity near the treatment site.
What Areas can be Treated?
Popular treatment areas include small pockets of stubborn fat in the following locations:

Can CoolSculpting Treat Obesity?
CoolSculpting does not treat the underlying cause of fat buildup. People with excessive amounts of fat or loose skin are not good candidates for CoolSculpting procedures. CoolSculpting is reserved for people with small stubborn pockets of fat that will not go away even with diet and exercise.
How is CoolSculpting Different From Liposuction?
CoolSculpting has many advantages over liposuction for clients who qualify for it, including:
How Do I Prepare for a CoolSculpting Procedure?
The individual is generally asked to wear soft, loose clothing because the treated area may be sensitive after the procedure. During the procedure, the person will be given disposable clothing to wear for easy access to the treatment area. Individuals can eat and drink before the procedure but are advised to keep it light and avoid caffeine.
How is the Cost Determined?
A cosmetic specialist will review costs during the initial consultation. Prices are based on the number and size of areas needing treatment, how many treatments are necessary, and the size of the applicator panel that is needed.
Insurance typically will not cover any costs for CoolSculpting because it is considered a purely cosmetic procedure. The geographic location and skill level of the provider are also often considered in costs.