The Do’s and Don’ts of Botox Aftercare

When you have been treated with Botox, how you care for yourself in the period immediately afterward can make the difference in whether your treatment is successful. There are things that you should do to better care for yourself, as well as behaviors that you should avoid because they can negatively impact your treatment. Here are some things to keep in mind after a Botox treatment.

Keep the Site Clean and Avoid Fragranced Soap

When you have received Botox, it is through an injection site, just like any other wound. While the injection may not create a large wound, you still need to care for the site. Make sure to keep the area of the injection clean and free of any type of dirt. In addition, you should avoid using soap with fragrance because it can irritate the site. You can and should keep the area clean, but you should use mild soap without fragrance and with as few chemicals as possible.

Be Extra Cautious in the First 24 Hours

There are certain things that you should avoid within the first 24 hours of a Botox injection. Make sure to sleep on your back so your face is not pressed against the pillow. Pressure on your face could irritate the injection site. In addition, you should avoid drinking alcohol during this period because it can dehydrate your body and also lead to irritation on your face. At the same time, you should also avoid strenuous physical activities for the first 24 hours after the injection. You should not apply makeup to your face for this period. Finally, you should not have any other type of skin treatment on your face for at least 14 days after the Botox injection.

Be Careful When Touching Your Face

You may be tempted to touch your face at the site of the injection because you are in discomfort. Rubbing your face can cause the Botox to spread from where it was injected to other parts of your face or body, where it may not be wanted. You should be extra careful about touching your face within the first four hours of treatment, although your caution should probably extend for the first day.

Make and Keep Follow-Up Appointments

Your doctor needs to make sure that your body is responding to the treatment. They will want to see you for a follow-up appointment. Make sure to make this appointment with the doctor and keep it. Chances are that your treatment will go well, but you should always be cautious.

Your doctor will give you general guidance about what you should and should not do after the Botox treatment. Know that Botox treatments are relatively easy and pain-free, and your recovery period will be minimal. When you schedule an initial consultation with a doctor, they will explain how the treatment will work and what you need to do on your end.

Learn More About Our New Jersey Botox Services at MAEZ Integrative Healthcare

When you schedule a consultation, our doctors will explain what you need to know about New Jersey Botox services at MAEZ Integrative Healthcare. Call us today at 609-748-4110 or complete our online form to set up an appointment with a doctor to learn more about Botox treatments. Our office is in Linwood, New Jersey, and we serve clients in Northfield, Somers Point, Margate, Longport, and Atlantic County.